Aware Workshop

GIVING BACK IS DEAD held its first non-profit workshop in Paris on October 17 2023, the week of Paris+ by Art Basel, following Frieze London. Using the case study model, GBID brought together the following group of top people in their fields to address a question which could make a fundamental difference for the non-profit, AWARE Women Artists. Question: Should AWARE have a U.S. footprint? While well-known, respected and recognized in France, should AWARE have a U.S. footprint in order to achieve its stated goal—equal representation of women artists? If so, is the most effective structure a 501c3 organization? GBID team distributed a detailed file in advance to all workshop participants detailing AWARE’s mission, current and potential programs, website, social media, governance, etc. We asked each person to address this question from their particular experience.

AWARE Workshop: Should AWARE have a U.S. footprint?


AWARE Workshop with Camille Morineau


Scott Stover's history with Camille Morineau


Aware Workshop


AWARE Workshop with Adam Weinberg


AWARE Workshop with Harrison Vail


AWARE Workshop with Candy Barasch


AWARE Workshop with Lisa Schiff


AWARE Workshop with Guillaume Lacroix


AWARE Workshop with Guillaume Lacroix